Hire pre-vetted AI teams to implement and fine-tune open source models for your use-case
25,000+ Engineers, STEM PhDs, Linguistic Experts, and more available to hire within 12h

Train LLMs 10x faster with subject-matter experts extensively trained on data annotation
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Trusted by 100+ amazing companies

How it works
Tell us your human data hiring requirements
We use AI to vet thousands of subject matter experts each month
We certify the top 1% candidates
You hire the best annotators for 50% less & increase output tenfold
Tell us your human data hiring requirements
We use AI to vet thousands of subject matter experts each month

We certify the top 1% candidates
You hire the best annotators for 50% less & increase output tenfold
Made for post-training RLHF
Best talent at half the cost
Access top annotators with several hours of specialized training for half the cost

Global compliance and payroll
We navigate international employment laws, global payroll, and benefits to help you dodge a massive headache

1 week free, 0 risk
1 week free trial per annotator. No card on file required
Track Average Handling Time
Easily track hours & performance of each annotator for fast AHTs
Train models in any language


Subject matter experts to support your SFT, RLHF, Evals, and general data labeling
Specialized experts in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to drive accurate data annotation
Software Engineers
Incredibly skilled software engineers across various domains with intense RLHF training
Linguistics Experts
Expert linguists to refine LLMs with precise data annotation using advanced language analysis
+ more
RLHF vetting & training process

Interview with our AI Recruiter

Expert hand-picked matching
Interview with our AI Recruiter

How we care for our Human Data Annotators ❤️

Performance rewards for top achievers

Unlimited Udemy courses and books

Dashboard to track payout, courses, time, weekly summaries and more

100% on-time biweekly pay

Senior interviewers review candidate profiles and AI interview reports

Frequently asked questions
What is micro1?
We help top AI companies hire world-class annotators to help speed up their human feedback loops and fine-tune their models.
How are you different?
We focus almost entirely on serving AI companies that have the specific need of annotators for RLHF & SFT. We’re able to tailor our vetting process to sourcing these types of candidates & vet them in volumes using AI Interviewer, an AI-powered technical interview tool we’ve created in-house.