AI Recruiter to hire top global talent
Source, vet, and hire a top 1% global team
Identify world-class talent that wouldn't typically be visible through legacy recruitment methods
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Trusted by 100+ amazing companies
Hiring top talent globally is hard
Sourcing top talent around the world requires significant recruitment output
Countless hours are wasted interviewing unqualified candidates
Handling global payroll and compliance is a headache
Use AI to find and hire top global talent
How it works
Tell us your hiring requirements
We use our AI interviewer to vet thousands of candidates
We match the top talent with you
You hire & manage seamlessly
Tell us your hiring requirements
We use our AI interviewer to vet thousands of candidates
We match the top talent with you
You hire & manage seamlessly
Why the best talent joins micro1
Access to Silicon Valley companies
Vetted once, certified for life
Competitive & stable income
Receive healthcare and other benefits
Candidates love our AI Interview experience
Frequently asked questions
What is micro1?
An AI Recruiter agent that helps you source, interview, and hire top global talent. You can either use our software for your own recruitment process or our talent pool to hire pre-vetted talent from.
How does pricing work?
You can either hire talent from us, where each profile has their own monthly cost, or you can use our software which depends on the number of interviews per month.
What types of roles can micro1 help with?
We primarily focus on annotators with wide range of skills (STEM PhDs, linguistics, medical experts, etc). We also help companies hire software engineers for their core team.